Toilet paper – more than just an everyday product?

Rouleaux de papier toilette sur fond rouge

Used daily by billions of people worldwide, it is an indispensable part of personal hygiene. Thanks to the wide range of qualities and designs, toilet paper is more than just an everyday product. But which toilet paper is actually just right? In this article, we will look at the properties of toilet paper.

The history of toilet paper

Modern toilet paper was invented only in the late 19th century, when the pressure of hygiene regulations and the availability of mass paper production increased. In the 1920s, toilet paper rolls, which are still known today, appeared on the market. Another ten years later, two-ply toilet papers were produced, and it even took until the 1970s for softer, more absorbent versions with three paper plies to be developed. Mankind’s attitude to hygiene and cleanliness has strongly driven developments in this area.

Comfort for the bottom

Nowadays, toilet paper usually consists of two or three layers. Single-ply variants are less common. However, there are now more comfortable versions with 4 or even 5 layers of paper. These toilet papers are particularly absorbent, tear-resistant, pleasantly soft and, above all, gentle to the skin. Although the cost of these premium variants is higher, consumption is reduced due to the higher number of plies.

Production and sustainability

Toilet paper is made either from pulp or recycled fibers. Fresh pulp fibers are obtained from wood. This chemical process requires a significant amount of water and energy, making pulp production less environmentally friendly. In addition, the fibers are cleaned and bleached, which is where the often bright white color comes from. However, toilet paper made from pulp is not in principle harmful to the environment. Sustainable pulp products are marked with labels such as FSC or EU Ecolabel. To obtain these certifications, various environmental and social criteria must be met, which may vary in each country.

Recycled paper is more sustainable in most cases, as the fibers are obtained from waste paper through a process known as pulping. The entire process until the recycled paper rolls are finished consumes much less energy and water. But beware because the term recycling is often used as a marketing trap. The Blue Angel environmental label tests and certifies sanitary papers made from 100% recycled paper. So it’s worth reading the fine print.

Meanwhile, more and more alternatives are being developed to produce toilet paper, such as bamboo or hemp. There are also biodegradable variants that are particularly suitable for camping or hiking.

Toilet clogged?

You flush, but the water doesn’t drain. When the toilet is clogged, this often leads to unpleasant situations. Often it is enough to reach for the plunger to clear the blockage. However, in the case of severe blockages, it is sometimes necessary to reach for the drainage spiral – in an emergency, a metal clothes hanger will also do the trick.

To prevent blockages, it is worthwhile to flush regularly (yes, even during your business). This way, the “material” is distributed over several flushes. Particularly firm or dense toilet paper can lead to blockages more often than softer variants. In addition, you can also question the amount of toilet paper you use. The average Swiss uses 21 kilograms of toilet paper a year.


As an indispensable part of personal hygiene, toilet paper is more than just an everyday product. There is no right or wrong here because everyone prefers different properties. Those who pay particular attention to sustainability tend to have to cut back on comfort. But the story of toilet paper is far from over, and technological progress will continue to drive its development in the future. With us, you will always stay informed about novelties and innovations in the hygiene market.

Goldeimer – a social toilet paper

Buy sustainable toilet paper and support social projects around the world? No problem! With the purchase of the Goldeimer toilet paper, the WASH projects of Viva con Agua are directly supported. These aim to ensure worldwide access to WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene. The toilet paper is made from 100% recycled paper and bears the Blue Angel environmental seal. Both the production and the packaging are extremely sustainable.

Goldeimer Toilet Paper