Entries by Remo Elsinger

Happy MH Day 2023!

Due to lack of education, persistent taboos and lack of access to sanitation, many women and girls around the world suffer from inadequate menstrual hygiene. Hygolet, as an official supporter of Menstrual Hygiene Day, is committed to improving these circumstances. That’s why we’re celebrating MH Day 2023 on May 28! About MH Day Menstrual Hygiene […]

Toilet paper – more than just an everyday product?

Used daily by billions of people worldwide, it is an indispensable part of personal hygiene. Thanks to the wide range of qualities and designs, toilet paper is more than just an everyday product. But which toilet paper is actually just right? In this article, we will look at the properties of toilet paper. The history […]

Water for everyone – Hygolet supports Viva con Agua

Hygolet had the pleasure of supporting the second edition of the “Kick it for Water” football tournament organized by Viva con Agua Switzerland as a shirt sponsor (and of playing in the tournament itself). In addition to games, fun and a good atmosphere, over CHF 10,000 was raised for Viva con Agua’s water projects. Kick […]

The paper towels guide

In the huge & diverse market for paper towels (also called folding paper or folding towels), it’s easy to lose track. With this article, we would like to make it easier for you to find the right hand paper. We provide clarity on the different types of folds, point out other properties and draw the […]

Period Poverty – And what we can do about it

In developing countries, but also in Europe, low-income families as well as homeless people suffer from so-called «period poverty», a term representing the financial inability to buy menstrual hygiene products. Legislation is making steady progress worldwide to combat this long-existing but only recently talked about problem. What is period poverty? For families in financial need […]

A Shift in Menstrual Hygiene Product Accessibility

Menstrual and sanitary disposal products should not be a luxury. In some countries the treatment of feminine hyigne products is changing, Germany and Austria for example have recently reduced the tax on menstrual products such as tampons. In our opinion, feminine hygiene should not be neglected in the commercial sector either. Below we bring to […]